At BRIDGE, we refer to all of our participants as student-athletes. Why? We believe that school and academics takes precedence over our own lacrosse programming. We want to emphasize that the student always comes first and the athlete second. However, we want each and every student-athlete to be active and engaged when they are playing or practicing lacrosse. Our intern and own student-athlete, Lizbeth Alvarez, has put together some tips and advice from her own experiences.

Tips on Balancing Lacrosse and School

Having support from family, friends, coaches, or teammates always helps. My family has always been supportive either by driving me where I need to be or being at my games cheering for me.  It helps knowing I have people I can depend on to be there for me whenever I need any help. Friends help when I have trouble with school work or get behind, there’s nothing wrong with asking for help when you need it. For some students, balancing school work and an extra hobby or sport can be difficult. I have been able to do well in school and at the same time balance both lacrosse and band. I’ve had to learn how to balance some things on my own so here are a couple of tips that can help:

  • Planning time wisely helps a lot. Having homework to do on the same night as a practice or game may be stressing but if you plan do spread your work out between the days you don’t have games/practices can help with managing time better and can be less stressful for you.
  • Lacrosse is the sport that I fell in love with so I look forward to going to a game or practice. I know if I didn't have a passion for lacrosse I would make excuses to not go to practice and would not enjoy being there, but because I do have a passion for lacrosse I enjoy being at a practice or games and spending a good time with my teammates. Lacrosse keeps me motivated for staying on task and getting my school work done. If I don’t do well in school I know the consequences are no lacrosse.
  • Be organized. Knowing your schedule can help a lot with time management. Since I have to balance time between three things I found it very helpful to know dates and time to when I have important events. I may not be the most organized person but a little organization is very helpful
  • You must take responsibility for all of your actions. Being responsible is a big part if balancing school and lacrosse. I am growing up and I cannot depend on my parents to do everything for me or take the blame for me when I do something wrong. I am responsible for my decisions and should be ready for the consequences that follow if I do something wrong.

Lizbeth Alvarez | Summer Intern 2013 & Irma Rangel JV Goalie

